Let’s start with the basics: my name is Paul Chevallier. I’m 24 years old and recently acquired a bachelor’s degree in Culture and Media Studies, which I have yet to use and have yet to encounter a situation where it would be a remotely useful thing to have.

My college experience was certainly more nuanced than a single random degree. I started off by going to University of Toronto, where I was majoring in psychology with minors in linguistics and semiotics. However, I realized after 2 years that I had no intention of doing anything with the knowledge I was acquiring.

General life confusion coupled with a few personal troubles led me to drop out of 3 different schools over the course of a few years.

Fortunately, I figured my life out. I simply wasn’t interested in having yet another internship at some office or filling out spreadsheets in my day-to-day existence. If there was a job that I could do, it would consist of this: making clothes and doing art and being creative.

Toofbush is me doing what I love. Thanks for being here and for being a part of my journey.